Owning It

So I saw this post on a friend of a friend's blog, and decided to jump in too! {click on the picture to head to her blog}

The whole point is to own all the little, and big things that make us who we are.  I love this idea of us {mostly} women coming together and being proud of exactly who we are.  No more apologizing for it!!

So here's my list:
~ I don't care if it damages my hair and it never grows again, I much prefer being a blond and don't plan on changing back again.

- I am one of those people who really does love exercising.  I always feel worse physically on days I don't.  I've pretty much been this way since high school.

~ I am scared every day that something will happen to Skip at work.

~ I can't stand reality shows.

~ I love cooking but I hate coming up with ideas of what to make.

~ Laundry sits in my room waiting to be put away for days.

~ I am Catholic but struggle to get to church every week.  It's not that I don't want to, it's just nearly impossible with the two girls and Skip never being home on the weekends.

~ I have struggled with being a stay-at-home mom more than I thought I would, and yet the thought of going back to work in a few years fills me with absolute dread.

~ I throw really good parties.  They may not be the fanciest, but everyone always has a good time.

~ My dream is to write a book.  I've started and stopped quite a few over the years but really need to just sit down and commit to it.

~ I used to put up with a lot of crap from people over the years because I just wanted to make things easier.  I have now grown a backbone and refused to be treated that way.

~ I do still avoid confrontation like the plague though.

~ I am constantly worried that someone is mad at me, or doesn't like me anymore.

~ I've never been a purse or shoe hoarder, but I'm pretty sure I have all the tank tops in the world.

~ I make really good desserts, and my home is almost always filled with some sort of homemade treat.

~ The fact that I have a temper and am competitive are two things I didn't realize until after I got married.

~ Laying out on the beach with a Diet Coke in hand is my absolute favorite place to be in the world.

~ I am anxious and scared most of the time that something will happen to someone I love.

~ I love that I can still rock a bikini in my 30's after having two kids.

~ I'm no where near perfect, but I am a really good mom and wife.

~ I'm terrible at keeping secrets {my own, I can keep others pretty well}

~ I used to hate being so short, but now I like it {I'm 5'4..but everyone else in both our families is much taller than me}

~ I am terrible at responding to emails, for no good reason.

~ I don't really know how to end this list, haha

It was fun to write up this list, and think about a few of the things that make me, me.  And I'm not ashamed of boasting or admitting any of this.  What would you like to own about yourself?

Make sure to check out the new app that has finally stopped me from burning popcorn!


  1. We're a lot alike! I want to write a book too! I've started and stopped I don't know how many times as well though. One day we both will!!!

  2. We have a lot in common! It was nice learning more about you!


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