Wednesday Ramblings

Thank you so much for all the anniversary wishes yesterday!  I still can't believe it's been nine years.  It sure goes by in a flash.

Skip and I kept the day pretty simple.  We exchanged cards in the morning and had a little in-home date night.  We ordered some Italian food to eat while the girls were in bed, and watched a movie.  It was a perfect, relaxing evening to celebrate our marriage!

Today marks two years since we lost our sweet Braddock.  In light of all the death we have experienced in the past few years, it seems silly to still be upset over the loss of a dog, but I can't help it; I am.  He was my little boy and I still miss him every day.

We had another really busy weekend this week.  We took Emmy into the city for the first time on Friday {separate post coming on that}.

Saturday was spent at a pool party a guy Skip works with threw.  Girls were obsessed with the pool, and were swimming for the entire few hours we were there.  Definitely going to have to look into joining the pool in our town next summer!

Our friend came to stay with us Sunday again before they flew home Monday.  We all had a great visit, but stupidly were up talking almost till the sun came up.  That was a little painful the next day, but totally worth it.

We've had a pretty nice balance this summer of planned activities, and just letting the girls figure out what to do themselves.  The latter has really started to stretch their imaginations and can be even more fun than heading out somewhere.  It's adorable for me to watch as well!

Between this summer cold I'm rockin' and the cooler temps, it feels way more like the fall than summer these days.  This does not make me happy.  Someone bring back my 100* days!

I am pretty excited about football coming back though.  I'm taking Emmy to Giants training camp on Friday {she's so excited} and the Giants are playing in the Hall of Fame game on Sunday!  Not only do I get to watch them play, our very own Michael Strahan will be inducted!

With all the house guests we've had recently, the girls and I have been baking homemade treats constantly!  I love that they can both help me cook now.  We throw on some tunes and make it a party!

We took the girls to the park yesterday afternoon and Charlie decided to try out the big kid swings for the first time.  Thankfully she didn't like it as much as the baby swing because she looks just way too grown up in it!

Hope you have a good Wednesday!


  1. Happy Anniversary!!! I'm glad you had a nice time with Skip.
    It's so hard to lose a beloved pet. My dog passed away almost 10 years ago and I still miss her. Thinking of you!


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