Another Beach Vacation

Last week we headed down to my parents house again to spend one last visit at the beach before school starts.  We got up real early and headed down, as to spend as much time there as possible.

We dropped Shiba off at the house and then headed to Long Beach Island with my mom and sister.  It is my most favorite place in the entire world!  We spent the morning on the beach, and the girls just loved playing in the ocean!

We were all very hungry after that, so we went to the best pizza place ever!  The girls just wanted to sit with my mom and sis, so it was like Skip and I had a date all to ourselves.

Of course I had to stop and take a picture by the gorgeous sunflowers outside!

We went back to my parents house and spent the rest of the day relaxing down there.  I was even able to get in a quick run with the most gorgeous view ever!

The next morning we got up early and headed over to the smaller beach by my parents house.  It is on the bay, so the waves were much smaller.  The girls were able to ride their boogie boards and really swim.  We even got treated to catching some crabs!

We were all sad to head home after lunch.  I will surely miss these days when we are in the middle of winter!


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