Biggest Big Blue Fans Ever

It's no surprise that I am a huge Giants fan.  Huge.  Seriously, I was in the paper once for being the biggest fan ever.

So when I had kids, I was determined to pass on my love of the game and the team to them.  I wasn't going to push it on them, but at the very least I would make sure they were never Eagles fans...or Cowboys...or Redskins...and definitely not the Jets.

It started as dressing them up in Giants stuff every game day when they were little.  Football is on all day on Sundays in the fall and winter.  And they pretty much just have to deal with it.  Emmy was not into it at first.  She didn't realize why I got control of the TV for hours, watching a sport she didn't care at all about.

But sloooowly she started paying attention a little closer to each game.  She would get excited whenever I would cheer and dance around.  She started cheering as well, and learned that "GO GIANTS" is the cheer of choice around here.

Recently I was talking to Skip about going down to the stadium for the Giants training camp.  Emmy overheard and couldn't believe that you could go watch them practice, the guys on TV!? she'd say.  I've done it!  I thought. I'd finally passed on my Giants love to her:)

Since Charlie doesn't quite share the love yet, Skip volunteered to stay home with her.  So Emmy, a friend of ours, and I headed down to Giants Stadium on Friday afternoon.

Training camp takes place at a practice facility just across from the stadium.  It's so much closer than when it was up in Albany {which I have gone to before!}.  It was super crowded that day, but we were still able to see a ton!
She was much happier than she looks here


Steve Weatherford

There was a kids area as well that helped keep Emmy entertained.  There were two bouncy houses, one to practice catching a football, and one for throwing.  She also got to pick out a stuffed Giants puppy dog to bring home.

We were all most excited to wait for the autographs at the end of practice.  Sadly there was lightning sighted 10 minutes away, so the rest of practice was moved inside and closed to the public.

No fear though, because when I got home I tweeted our punter, Steve Weatherford, that Emmy had a great first experience at training camp.  And then he FAVORITED MY TWEET AND TWEETED ME BACK!!!  Shining moment of my week for sure.

That combined with watching Michael Strahan be inducted into the football Hall of Fame and a solid win last night made for a super Giants weekend!

As much as I'm hoping summer never ends, I am ridiculously excited that football is BACK!


  1. This is awesome! Emmy's video about how excited she was was so cute! I got to go to a Colts training camp once and it was amazing.


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