
I just wanted to take a minute and brag today.  A little over two years ago, I decided to start running.  It took me a really long time to get into it.  It was hard, harder than any other workouts I'd done. 

But I pushed through and instead of alternating running and walking, pretty soon I was running the entire time.  1 mile, 2, then 3.  A 5k was a pretty big milestone to me and I was able to reach it last year. 

I stayed pretty content with that mileage for a while, before deciding my next goal would be 5 miles.  I always said I'd like to get to the point where I could run 5 miles every day.  Finally this past May is when I first reached my first 5 mile mark. 

The rest of the summer I was taking it pretty easy though.  I was still running consistently, but I kept using the excuse that I couldn't be spared for more than half and hour or so for working out, so I was staying pretty consistent around 3 miles or so. 

I've really stepped up my mileage this week because of the running challenge I'm doing.  I ran 4.4, Monday 5.2, Tuesday 5.  Skip was off all of Wednesday, so I had a little extra time to workout.  He encouraged me to go to a nearby running trail at a park I love to get a change of scenery.  I knew I wanted to make it at least 5 miles, but I was feeling so good in the beginning, I texted Skip about halfway through and told him I was going to try and hit my next goal, a 10k. 

And I am proud to say that I DID IT!!  6.3 miles actually!!

I'll be honest, I pretty much wanted to shout it from the rooftops.  It's all I wanted to talk about with Skip when I got home.  I never thought I would be a runner.  I always worried I'd get frustrated with the whole thing and quick, especially because it seemed like other people were making more progress than I was.  But I didn't give up and now I officially feel like I can call myself a runner.

So sometimes it's not about entering all these races to get motivated.  Sometimes it's just you and your sneakers pushing and pushing, never giving up until you reach your goal. 

Watch out half-marathon.  I'm coming for you next. 


  1. Congrats! That is awesome! I too started running last summer and was proud when I ran a mile.
    This summer I started pushing myself and am at a consistent 2.5/3 though I have a hard time still zoning out and just running. I still keep looking at my miles or the time. Recently Ie realized I need to push myself past that 3 mile mark. Now I can use you for inspiration. Keep it up!

  2. AMAZINGGGGGG!!!! So, so so so so impressed! I'm afraid of half-marathons right now and the farthest I ran was 10 miles .. back in October. I ran three today. Big whoop. HAHA. What happened to me? I gotta get back into it. Wow, can you imagine I'm saying "big deal, I ran THREE MILES" .. what is happening to us. Have a great weekend!

  3. Wow!! Awesome job!!! I wish I could run! Haha.


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