Nice Day for a Wedding

Skip and I recently got to attend the wedding of one of the cops he works with.  We celebrated with them the night they got engaged, and we had been looking forward to their wedding for months.  My mom came up for the night to stay with the girls, and because of that I was able to head out that morning and get a fresh haircut. Yay for not having to do my own hair that night!!

I had bought this amazing dress from ThredUP a few months ago and knew it would be perfect for the evening.  And at only $10 it was definitely a steal!!

We posed for what looked like prom photos and headed out!

It was a fabulous wedding and so great to spend time with a lot of Skip's co-workers.  They are all great guys and girls and I love getting to see them all together.  Plus any kid-free time spent with my husband is really special!


  1. LOVE your haircut and your dress! I can't believe it was only $10! Looks like you guys had an awesome time :)

  2. So funny, Nick and I do the same exact thing before we go to a wedding, prom photos! Lol. Sometimes it's with other couples.


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