A Little Break

The past few weeks have been a little tough around here.  We're all adjusting to Emmy being back at school.  She is struggling with the fact that kindergarten is harder and different than preschool.  She is also seeing Skip a lot less than in the summer.  Charlie is missing her big sister during the day.  Skip has been working a lot, and strange hours, and missing his girls.  I have been alone with them a lot, struggling with the early wake-ups, making sure Emmy is doing homework and has everything she needs every day.  I've been working on a little homeschooling with Charlie, and trying to get things done around the house while carving out a little time for things I like to and want to get done.  It's been tough.

So Friday when Skip was off, he wonderfully gave me a little break.  He let me sleep in until 7:15 and took Charlie with him to drop Emmy off at school so I could get ready in peace.  When they got home he took Charlie to run some errands and I headed out to a local trail I like to run at.  I was able to run 10 miles?! Two hours of alone time, just me and the fresh air.  It was amazing.  I came home and we had lunch and relaxed a bit before he picked Emmy up.

We all hung out together for a bit and then I got to go shopping at Kohls alone.  It was amazing.  I took my time and got some things we needed.  I even grabbed a few things for Christmas already!  When I came home Skip had made dinner for everyone, and then gave the girls baths.

Once the girls were down for the night, Skip and I just relaxed on the couch and caught up on our DVR.  It was a fabulous day and one I definitely needed.  It left me recharged to take on the weekend and now this week.  Sometimes all you need is a little break.


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