ER Visit #3

It's funny the stereotypes people still have about little boys and little girls.  I have heard people talk about how rough and tumble boys are, and how nicely little girls will sit and play.  I however, know different.  I know plenty of little boys who will sit and play quietly for hours.  I also know some girls like my Charlie bear who make even the most famous daredevil look like an amateur.  Girl is constantly trying to jump off things, run at top speeds, and climb up on everything.  I am already no stranger to the ER with this one.

Well apparently Charlie wasn't too happy with all the attention Emmy got last week for starting school and she wanted to make sure we paid attention to her as well.  Friday had been a great day.  Emmy had a half day, so after naptime we spent the afternoon at a big play date with our friends.  The girls and I came home for dinner, baths, then off to bed.  Skip was working and I was excited for an evening of peace and quiet.  Ha.

As I sat at the computer I could hear Charlie running back and forth in her room.  I didn't even bother looking at the monitor, because this was something she did regularly.  I was just happy she wasn't climbing in drawers after getting the latches undone...seriously.  Well, after a few minutes I heard little feet running, following by a very loud BANG, and then immediate crying.

I flew upstairs and picked up her immediately.  It wasn't until I pulled back to look her in the face that I noticed the blood.  Poor girl had a big cut just above her eye, and blood was spilling down her face.  I immediately knew I had to take her to the hospital.

I tried to stop the bleeding as best I could as I called my little sis to come over and sit with Emmy {who had fallen right to sleep and slept through the whole thing}.  I also called Skip, just to let him know what was going on and where I'd be.  But he immediately said he would leave work and come meet us at the hospital.  I told him I could handle it, but I knew that even though I was handling it well at first, I would only be able to hold it together for so long.  My little sis got to my house in just a few minutes, and we were off.

Thankfully we only had to wait a few minutes before going into the triage room.  Now, something you should know about Charlie is she hates the doctor.  Now I know what you're thinking...all kids do.  But Charlie really hates it and fights it with every part of her being.  She starts crying and screaming as soon as we pull into the parking lot at the doctors.  So you can imagine how well this visit was going to go.  It took us over an hour and all of my strength just to get her temperature and blood pressure taken.  I looked over and Skip and wondered just how they would stitch her up if she was thrashing around so much...there was no way I'd be able to keep her that still.

The plastic surgeon took a look at her, and said she definitely needed stitches.  He then said they had a special straight jacket type thing they would put her in to do the stitches.  This is when I was most happy Skip was there.  It was just beyond awful to watch them strap her down while she was screaming for us to help her.

I didn't watch for the actual stitches...I knew I wouldn't be able to hand that at all, so I just sat in a chair in the corner.  It only took a few minutes, but it felt like forever.  Finally, after two internal stitches, and two external, she was done.  I have never been happier to scoop her up in my arms.

We had to wait a little longer for her antibiotics, and then finally got to go home.  It was almost 10 by this point, but we let her have a few M&M's and watch a little Peppa Pig when we got in.  She thankfully then fell right to sleep and slept through the night.

Based on what's in her room, we're pretty sure she ran into the corner of a small bookcase in her room.  She also had a bruise on her forehead and a fat lip.  Poor girl really did a number on herself.

Saturday the swelling and bruising had set in and she couldn't even open her left eye.  Yesterday the swelling got a little better, and today she can open her eye up all the way.  It's still really deep purple, but hopefully that'll go away in a few days.

We'll have to bring her back to the plastic surgeon next week to have the stitches taken out.  Let's hope they don't have to strap her down for that!

So with ER visit #3 in her three years, we are practically running up frequent flier miles at the hospital.  Let's hope my poor girl gets better soon and take the madness down a notch!


  1. So scary. But glad she's ok and smiling again already!

  2. Gracious! What an event. Glad she's smiling.

  3. Poor girl and poor mommy!! Hoping she heal quickly.

    My second one has a frequent ER card too. She is my accident prone and climber.


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