Tuesday Mish Mash

We were all under the weather this weekend, some more than others.  Skip and I headed to bed early on Friday because we both had bad colds.  Emmy woke up when we got upstairs rocking a fever of 103*.  Awesome.  Thankfully my illness has just stayed a cold, but Skip developed a fever and a sore throat and cough.  Emmy still had a fever yesterday, so she was out of school and will be as well tomorrow.  Charlie had actually been the best out of all of us, though she would sporadically get a fever of 99* or 100*.  But then when I went to check on her last night...her temp was at 102*.  Looks like we're not done with this illness just yet.  I was disappointed we had to cancel plans and just stay in all weekend, as it is like one of two weekends Skip is off until December.  But at least we were able to just relax and get better.  Hopefully everyone gets better soon!!

We had to get Charlie's stitches removed yesterday and it was about as traumatic as getting them put in.  I was wrong, I definitely think she had more than four stitches.  We never officially asked, but she had internal as well as external stitches.  The external ones were the ones that had to be removed.  I think there was at least three or four he took out.  They had to restrain her in the straight jacket thing again, as well as a nurse, Skip and I holding her down.  I started to feel like I was going to pass out at one point...it was so hard to see her in pain...but we all survived.  Thankfully all the swelling and almost all the bruising is gone and she's healing nicely.  We'll have to go back in a few weeks and have the progress checked.

I don't even want to talk about the Giants game on Sunday.  Everyone was terrible and it was just a bad loss.  Emmy said it was rude that they lost.  I agree.

Poor Charlie has been rocking a staph infection on and off since the beginning of April.  It's about as awesome as it sounds, for both of us.  We have been trying to keep it at bay for weeks now with daily baths with epsom salts and a medical body wash, constant bed washings, lots of bleach, and everyone only using a towel and wearing clothes once before washing them.  My entire day feels like it's filled with laundry.  I don't mind doing it though if it works.  Fingers crossed...so far so good!

The girls have fallen in love with using the headphones we got them for our road trip this summer.  I am equally in love.  Any less noise in this house is a good thing.

The more Whole30 posts I see, the more candy I eat.  Watching people have the willpower to eat totally healthy makes me lose mine completely.  Eh, life is too short to not eat bread.

I'm running my first 5K this weekend and I'm equal pars nervous and excited.  I just don't really know what to expect, or even if I'll enjoy racing.  I'm doing it with my baby sis who is a racing expert, so I know it'll be a good time!

On 9-11 we took the girls out for ice cream after dinner.  It was Skip's idea and the perfect to spend that day.  We have had way too many reminders of how short life is, and we are always conscious about taking advantage of time together.  We pretty much never take the girls out after dinner, so they were beyond excited.  I love moments like this together.

It's a good thing we went too, because fall hit hard here this weekend.  70's during the day and 50's and some 40's at night.  I'm so not ready.  I already miss summer.  If you need me I'll be huddled under a blanket counting down the days until May.

I occasionally still mourn the lack of a newborn in our house, but I have to say, the girls getting older is nice.  They're way more independent and able to help around the house.  It's nice to make food we can all eat and that everyone can walk up the stairs by themselves.  Charlie still throws her fair share of tantrums in public, but outings are getting much easier as well. I also absolutely love getting to have real conversations with both of them.  This older age isn't so bad after all.

Hope everyone is having a great week, and don't forget to link up tomorrow for Workout Wednesday!!  I'd love to see what you've all been doing!!


  1. Hope everyone starts to feel better soon. I am with ya on the food thing girl! If I want to eat a cookie, I eat a cookie! I would rather just work out extra at the gym to mAke up for it! Btw, love that y'all took the girls for ice cream on 9/11. What a good tradition.


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