Tuesday Mish Mash

If you know me at all, you know I am not a morning person.  I thought that would change when I had kids.  Nope.  Still hate waking up early in the morning.  The weekends and summer aren't too bad, but the school year is rough.  I will say though as much as I struggle to get out of bed, it is nice that by 8:30 today we were all dressed, fed, Emmy was at school, and Charlie and I had finished food shopping!  Not too shabby.  Let's see what else I can done today.

I was very excited to watch the first Giants game of the season last night.  Always exciting to kick off Monday Night Football! I even let Emmy stay up a little past bedtime to watch some of the game.  Sadly we lost...and badly.  It's going to be a long season.

Charlie's eye is continuing to improve!  All the swelling is gone, but it's still pretty purple.  We have to take her next Monday to have the stitches out....hopefully that goes well!

Emmy is loving kindergarten!  She does miss rest time {they only have a little quiet time at their desks} but other than that she is so proud to be wearing a uniform and doing some "big girl" stuff at school.  I could not be prouder of her.

I am also loving kindergarten.  When she was in preschool, we had to park the car, walk across the parking lot and up a big hill, and then wait to drop her in the classroom.  We then did the same in the afternoon, but we then also had to help her back up her book bag.  This year I just drive up to the door and she hops out all by herself!  We do have to get out to get her at the door in the afternoon, but no more big hill and she's already waiting with her book bag.  I can't tell you what a huge difference this makes...especially with my crazy Charlie who is not big on standing still and waiting.

I am happy that the Ravens terminated Ray Rice's contract yesterday, and that he has been suspended indefinitely from the NFL.  However, I do think they should have done this from the beginning.  The Ravens also have erected a statue of Ray Lewis, who with the murder controversy, is not exactly someone I think we should be emulating.  And don't even get me started on the fact that Michael Vick is allowed to play still.  I think the NFL, who promotes the players as role models, really needs to evaluate how they deal with their players.

Emmy will be back in ballet again this year.  Her class is on Wednesday nights this year, so our weekends are free now.  Even though Skip works most weekends, it'll be nice to have no plans with the girls on those days.

Fall is definitely here and I am not loving it.  I miss the heat and humidity already!

I cannot believe it has been 13 years still 9-11.  It definitely does not feel that long.  I will be participating in a blogging day of silence on Thursday to remember all those we lost that day.  I will only be posting this picture:

Please feel free to grab it and participate yourself.


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