Weekend Update

Skip was off on Saturday and we were determined to make the most of it.  That combined with some amazing 80* weather made it the perfect day for some outside activities.

Skip and Emmy have hone fishing together a few times, and Charlie wanted to get in on the fun.  So all four of us packed up and headed to a small pond to try and catch some fish.

Both girls did really well and despite the fact that we only caught one fish, everyone had a great time!

We went home for lunch and naps and then headed back out to a little pumpkin patch I had seen earlier.  There was a petting zoo, giant blow up slide, and plenty of fall fun.

It was a great day with our little family,

We topped off the weekend with some church and out to lunch before Skip had to go to work.  The girls sat together on one side of the booth for the first time, so Skip and I actually got to sit next to each other!  It was so nice.

The girls and I then spent the afternoon watching football and painting the pumpkins we'd gotten the day before.  It was such a nice, relaxing weekend for us all!


  1. Fabulous photos! What a lovely family weekend - memories to last for years!!


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