Workout Wedesday....Link Up!!

So I mentioned something in passing about this earlier in the month and today I decided to just go for it and launch a Workout Wednesday link-up!!  Anyone with Nike+ or Run Keeper knows what a motivator it is to see what kind of workouts your friends are doing during the week.  If I see someone passing me on miles, or working out an extra day, it motivates me to push myself harder.  There also have been times that I've seen someone in really good shape and wondered what they do to look like that.  And that is what I'm hoping to do with this link up.  I want this place to be a weekly motivator and a place for all of us to share our favorite workouts!

Monday September 1 - none
Sept. 2 - 4.3 mile run
Sept. 3 - 2.2 mile run
Sept. 4 - 5.5 mile run
Sept. 5 - none
Sept. 6 - 1 week Shred {weights portion}
Sept. 7 - 8 mile run / 1.5 mile walk
Sept. 8 - 5.1 mile run
Sept. 9 1.3 mile jog / 1 week Shred {weights portion}
Weekly Mileage - 27.9
Number of Workouts -7

I have also been using the old school ab roller {don't laugh, it really works!} every other day.  I am definitely seeing a difference.

So here's the deal.  Write a post about all the workouts you've been doing this month...running, classes, workout DVD's...list it all!  Then grab my button and come link up!! I can't wait to see what everyone has been doing this month!!  Also, feel free to us the hashtag #workoutwednesdaywithmommymandy on Twitter and Instagram!

Mommy Musings


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