Workout Wednesday

Welcome to another week of workout Wednesdays!  I hope some of you are inspired to link up this week!

Here is what I have been up to the past week:
Wednesday September 17: 6.3 mile run
Thursday: 5.1 mile run
Friday: None
Saturday: 3.5 mile run
Sunday: 3.1 mile run
Monday: Tabata workout / ab roller
Tuesday: kickboxing / ab roller

Weekly total miles: 18
Monthly total miles: 61.3
Weekly total workouts:6

I had been hoping to have another 100 mileage month, but it just isn't going to happen.  I am pleased I'm getting in workouts even when I can't run, or I can't run as far as I'd like.  I'm still going to try and see how many miles I can do though.

How are you all doing this month?

Mommy Musings

Don't forget to come link up!!


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