An Intimidating New Venture

I've been going back and forth for weeks as to whether or not I wanted to write this post.  It's hard to put things out there in the world sometimes.  But hey, why not right?

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I've been working on something, something that's been keeping my busy and forcing me to really try and manage my time with all my other responsibilities {which I'm actually failing at regularly}.  Well I'm finally ready to share what that something is.  I'm writing a book.  A novel to be more exact.

This is something I have wanted to do {and have started and stopped a million times} since I was ten years old.  About two months ago I decided enough was enough and I was just going to do it.  I had a basic story in mind and I decided it was time to start procrastinating.

I'm now 63,000 words in and absolutely in love with the whole process.  It's been hard, don't get me wrong, but I love everything about it.  I would just love if I could make this my next career.  Sitting at home in my pajamas, getting lost in a story of my own creation, sharing it with the world.

But I'm getting ahead of myself there.  I've already taken a class on how to get a book published, and let me tell you, based on that the easy part will be actually writing the thing. I'm trying not to let the process intimidate me.

For right now, I'm just focusing on my story, which I vacillate between loving and hating about every 5 seconds.  I'm pushing through and getting through the whole first draft in one shot.  Then I'll go back to edit it later.

The book is nothing like what I write about on here.  Creative writing has always been my passion and I'm excited to finally be working on it more.  The book is a love story, and I really like the direction it's taking.

So that's what I've been up to these days.  Between that, stepping up my running, and of course the usual child-rearing, house-care, and wifely duties, I'm spread pretty thin.  The next time I get more than 6 hours of sleep will be amazing.  It's like I'm working again, but not getting paid for it, haha.  I'm trying to keep up with this space here as I love having a record keeper of our lives, but it is the one thing falling by the wayside these days.  But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. Yay! So exciting. Best of luck to you.

  2. That's really exciting! Plus, it's a big plunge. I totally get parents always thought I would be a writer and I've always wanted to write a novel myself. It's just getting the right idea and actually sitting down to do it. I hope you see it through to end and one day I get a copy! :)

  3. How exciting!! Writing a book is actually one of my lifelong dreams as well....I can't wait until you're published and I can say, "I knew her when...."


  4. That's so awesome! Congrats to you! You can do it!


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