Birthday recap

Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes on Sunday!  I truly had one of the best weekends ever and felt so loved and spoiled!

We kicked off the weekend Friday night with a night out with just our little family of four.  When I was younger, I spent many Friday nights at Barnes and Noble with my family, followed by dinner at a local hot dog/hamburger place.  So this past weekend Skip suggested we recreate it with our girls!

I got to pick out a few books for myself as an early birthday present, and other than one epic tantrum from Charlie when we were leaving, they were really well behaved in the book store.

I was even more shocked when they sat like little ladies at dinner.  Not only were Skip and I able to eat our meals, we got to eat them leisurely!  In fact we were both done before the girls were! It was a great way to jump start the weekend.

Early Saturday morning we headed down the beach to my parent's house.  We met them and my older sister and a farm near there house.  It was perfect for a fall day!  We went on a hayride, had donuts, went through a corn maze, and saw lots of animals.  The girls jumped on a bouncy thing, rode a cow train, and went down a big slide.  Such a fun morning!

After that, the girls stayed by my parents house while Skip, my big sis, and I headed out for lunch.  We went to my favorite pizza place on Long Beach Island.  Afterwards we ate some fudge down by the bay and did a little shopping.  It was very relaxing.

We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out at my parent's house.  My dad made dinner and I got to open some gifts and have cake.  We headed back home after another great day.

I got to sleep in nice and late Sunday, being woken up to presents and the whole house decorated.  I spent some time with the girls {who were SO excited it was my birthday}  and then went for a run.  After lunch I proceeded to just sit on the couch watching football all afternoon.  It was glorious.

After the girls went to bed, we had about a dozen or so of our friends over for football.  Skip had taken care of all the food, planning, decorations, etc, so I just got to relax and hang out.

I felt so loved and spoiled all weekend.  It was one of my best birthdays ever!  Maybe 32 won't be so bad after all.


  1. Happy Birthday! Looks like you guys had an amazing day!

  2. Looks like an amazing weekend! So glad you had a great birthday!


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