
I've seen this on a few blogs before and thought it was cute, so I decided to snag it for this rainy Friday!


reading: Nothing!  Actually that's only because I just finished If I Stay by Gayle Forman late last night.  So good, but so sad and gave me nightmares.  Up next is Medal of Honor winner Dakota Meyer's book.

writing: This...and my novel. 

listening: The Today Show...and Pingu because that's what Charlie is watching.

thinking: I cannot believe how big Charlie is these days.  She is getting so tall, and is way more little girl than toddler!

smelling: My amazing coffee....hazelnut coffee mixed with salted caramel mocha creamer.

wishing: To go back to Disney....I swear they pump something into the air that makes you want to keep going back!

hoping: The rain finally stops today.  It's been raining for days and it's really starting to get old.  I am so much less productive when it's raining than when it's sunny!

wearing: Grey pajama pants and a black hooded sweatshirt from the day camp I used to work at.

wanting: To find time to watch Scandal with Skip before he goes to work..normally we stay up and watch it after Thursday night football, but we were both too tired last night.

loving: All the snuggles and kisses Charlie is giving me right now.  She decided to come eat her breakfast on my lap and I am just loving it.

needing: To finally finish this and get a start on the laundry!

Have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. That book made me bawl! But you have to read the sequel, Where She Went! I want to see the movie too.

  2. I need to read If I Stay! I keep hearing about it.


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