Fall Things

Our little family got to participate in some fun fall activities the past few days.  On Saturday our town held it's annual Ragamuffin parade.  All the little kids dress up in their Halloween costumes and we go parading down the main street.  It is as cute as it sounds.

Yesterday we finally decided it was time to get pumpkins to carve before Thanksgiving.  We've been to a few farms this season, but had yet to grab any pumpkins.  The squirrels in our neighborhood are vicious {as is the groundhog who's eaten almost all our mum flowers} and so we wanted to wait as long as possible before we got them.

It actually worked out perfectly as we basically had the farm to ourselves!  Guess no one procrastinates like us.  We got to see the animals, walk through the hay maze, and have our pick of the pumpkins.

I can't wait to carve them together sometime this week.

I may not like the fall and the cooler weather it brings, but I do love these fun family activities together!


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