Five on Friday

I decided to keep it easy this morning and join in on the Five on Friday fun!!

{one} Thank you all so much for the love on yesterday's post!  It's nerve-wracking to put yourself out there and tell people you're doing something, when you very well could fail at it.  But who knows, maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones!  And in case you're wondering what writing a book looks like, this is now how I spend as much of my day as I can:

Why yes I am hand writing the whole thing first, then going back and typing it up...that's just how my brain works.

{two} I'm totally obsessed with my compression sleeves recently.  I was always pretty skeptical of how good they actually works, but I am absolutely a convert.  I wear them at night for recovery and will wear them running on long runs.  If you're getting into running longer distances, definitely invest in a pair!

{three} I distressed a pair of jeans yesterday and I'm pretty excited with the way they turned out.  Though I'm concerned that this look is only good for those in the sub-21 years...32 is the new 17?!

{four} Speaking of which, I turn the dreaded 32 on Sunday.  I actually have really liked being 31, so I just don't want to upset the balance.  Also I prefer odd numbers to even.  I am very excited for all the celebrating though.  Tomorrow we're going to go to the beach to visit my parents and older sister.  Then we'll spend time with just our little family on Sunday during the day.  At night Skip is getting a bunch of food and around 15 of our friends are coming over to celebrate and watch football.  Let the partying begin!!
Found this pic of my college roomie and I on our joint birthday....TEN years ago!!

{five} Skip has a four day weekend and that's pretty much the best gift ever.  I cannot wait to spend a of quality time with these three.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Direct Energy is donating $1 for ever new “like” they receive on Facebook, plus $50 for everyone who signs up with the code SGK2014 to Susan G Komen in October #sp #DEsmarthome @directenergy  


  1. I always write everything out too! I even draw my invites before I design them on the computer. Yay for a four day weekend! Hope you have tons of fun! Happy Birthday!


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