New Fall Finds

We are officially knee deep in fall {in case you missed someone posting a picture of a PSL on Instagram}.  It's no secret that I attempt to cling to summer as long as I can.  But with highs in the 60's and lows in the 40's, I think I'm finally going to have to put away the flip flops.

To ease the blow of the cooler temperatures, I always treat myself to a few new things to add to my wardrobe.  {By the way this is not a sponsored post, just things I bought recently that I'm loving!}  Kohls and Target have been my go-to places recently when I need clothes.  Almost every day in the fall, I can be seen in some combination of the follow: tall boots, skinny jeans, tank top, cardigan or tunic, scarf.  I know, pretty much what most women my age are wearing these days...but there's a's so cute and comfy!  I wanted to add a few tops in my wardrobe this year to help change things up a little.  Here are the pieces I got!


I actually got this in a deep purple color


All of these can be found on their websites in the juniors department.

Who else gets a few things to update their wardrobe in the fall?  What are your favorite fashions right now?


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