Brain Dump Thursday

I love a good brain dump post, especially on a cold rainy day, when Emmy is home sick, and I was up until 3:00 am writing.  It's going to take about a vat of coffee to get my through this day.

- Speaking of writing, I've been making some real progress with my book.  Skip just helped me flesh out the ending last night.  It's the first time I actually know how the whole story is going to end.  I'm super excited about the progress I've made and am now hoping to push myself and have it all done by Christmas.  We'll see!

- Good news and bad news at the podiatrist last week.  Good news is that I don't have a stress fracture.  Bad news is I have an inflamed nerve in my foot.  The doctor taped up my foot and I was banned from working out for a week.  It has been so frustrating to not be able to do anything for the past week.  I hate taking off this much time, but I listened well as I didn't want to injure myself further.  I have to call the doctor today to tell him how I'm feeling.  It's not 100% better, but definitely an improvement.  Hopefully I get the all clear to work out again soon!

- I went to check on Charlie the other night before I went to bed and this is how I found.  Oh how I love this girl.

- Skip and I officially have the worst team in our fantasy football league.  That combined with the Giants' loss the other night makes me want to boycott all football until next season.

- It was nice and warm the other day, so the girls and I spent some quality time at the park.  With possible snow showers in the forecast next week, we soaked up every moment of this!

- Streaming Gilmore Girls all day long makes everything seem a little better.

- One day I'll be able to make a dent in my to-do list.  I fear it won't be today though.

- Shiba actually came downstairs and hung out with us for a bit the other day.  It was she was a real dog!

- I am almost done with Christmas shopping for the girls!  It was totally unintentional.  I just started buying things as I saw they were on sale, and my basement has accumulated quite the collection.  Nice to get a jump start on things!

- These two have been fighting a lot, but when they're not, they're being ridiculously sweet with each other.  I love these moments so much.


  1. Woo! Congrats on the ending of your book! So awesome!!

  2. That's so awesome about
    Your book. Can't wait to hear more

  3. Congrats on your book! Good luck with the rest of it!
    I love the last 2 pictures of your sweet girls.
    I hope Emmy is feeling better and I hope your foot heals quickly!


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