Everything I Touch Turns to......Dust?

Phew...I am happy to see last week gone.  It was a trying one for sure.  Thankfully nothing really major happened, just a few first world problems.  But sometimes it's hard not to think that karma is coming after you.  In the past two weeks it seems like everything I touch breaks:
baby monitor
cell phone
Skip's car
I think that was it?  Thankfully the vacuum, baby monitor, Internet, and Skip's car were able to be fixed relatively easily and quickly. 

There were all kinds of problems with our computer, so that was in the shop all last week.  Which would have been fine since we all have phones, IPads, etc, but that's where I've been writing my book!  Well, I hand write it first in a notebook, then type it up.  But not being able to type or look back at all really threw me off my game.  In fact I think it spurred the change I decided to make to the end of the book, meaning I deleted 30,000 words and now have to start over from there.  Good times.

Then Wednesday afternoon, my cell phone just decided to stop working.  Sadly Apple couldn't do anything to fix it {and of course my warranty expired three weeks before...if that's not a conspiracy I don't know what is} I was able to get a new phone and back online on Saturday, though I lost everything picture wise from the past week {since I didn't have my computer to back it all up}

Add in the fact that my foot still hurts and I have a never ending head cold, I'm more than over this week.  Oh, and I'm on day #4 of no voice.  Fun stuff.

But this is a new week and I'm determined to get back to normal again, even if it's Monday and pouring rain.   Fingers crossed I don't break anything else for at least a while!!


  1. *hugs*

    Don't you just hate weeks like that?? Hopefully those clouds have some more silver linings heading your way!


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