Five on Friday

One day I'll be able to write real blog posts instead of just bullet points.  Sadly, today is not that day, so here's a little Five on Friday!

{one} After 2 1/2 weeks of being sick, I finally went to the doctor yesterday as I had woken up with some severe sinus pain.  My cold had turned to a sinus infection, but at least I can finally take some meds to help kick this.  Which is good because poor Skip has succumbed to it now and is currently trying to sleep it off upstairs.  Better this week than next I guess?

{two} It has been *freezing* here this week....actually below freezing.  I'm so not ready for a real feel of 10* in November.  Fleece leggings {from Family Dollar!} for the win.

{three} My Charlie is the sweetest, squishiest love ever. 

However she also knows how to push the boundaries more than I ever imagined.  I don't think it's fair to talk about my kids' behavior on here much, but let's just say I am just about at my wit's end recently.  I took her monkey away for a few hours yesterday...monkey is her absolute favorite toy in the whole world since she was a baby.  It was really hard on her {and me!} but I'm hoping it will help correct her behavior.  If not I'm going to need a lot more diet coke and candy to survive.

{four} We are all awaiting the news from Ferguson Missouri.  I will probably have lots to say once the decision is in, but for now I will say that I am a proud cop wife who proudly stands with our police.

{five} I am ridiculously excited for next week...Frozen on's birthday...I can't wait!  But the absolute best part?  Skip is off from everyone else in the country!!  This never happens!  I seriously can't even remember the last time he was off on Thanksgiving, let alone for the whole holiday weekend.  I'm going to soak up every second. 

Have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. I feel the same way! I've done A LOT of bullet points lately lol
    I can't imagine living close to or in that area right now! It's infuriating! Sticking by the cops as well!

  2. Enjoy your long weekend together!!! Happy for you all (:

  3. I hope you're feeling better!
    I completely understand about Charlie. Lily can be the sweetest, funniest kid, then make me want to slam my head into a wall. She is driving me nuts! Dylan and Lexie were easy to parent, but she tests her boundaries!

  4. Girl, I feel you on that! I just haven't had the time recently!


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