Halloween Recap

I'd have to say that this past Friday was my favorite Halloween ever.  For one, there was no hurricanes, blizzards, or power outages.  That along makes it a good holiday around these parts.  As the girls get older, they understand the holidays more and their excitement was absolutely contagious.  They had been talking about Halloween for weeks and could not wait to go trick-or-treating!

Skip took Friday off as it is one of the only holidays he can actually take off.  I was a little sad Emmy's school didn't let them dress up, but she was okay with it.  As soon as she got home, we dressed them both in their costumes and headed out!

We have a great little neighborhood for trick-or-treating and the girls had an absolute blast.  As they're older now, they could go up to the houses themselves while Skip and I waited on the sidewalk...amazing!

We were out until almost 5, then came home for dinner.  After we'd eaten we headed out again to visit my little sis and her husband.  Then we took a drive to see my aunt and my grandma's best friend. The sugar-filled girls were allowed to stay up until after 8 that night and they both had an amazing day.  What a great holiday!


  1. Y'all go so early! Cutest pumpkin and Power Ranger. Pink was always my favorite one! :)

  2. The girls looked so cute! I love how you don't have set trick or treat times. All the areas here have trick or treat times, usually between 6-8.


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