Happy 6th Birthday Emmy

Six years ago today, Saturday November 29, 2008 at 8:39pm, after 15 hours of labor and 20 minutes of pushing, I heard the sweet words "It's a girl!" and our little Emmy came into this world.

It's true what they say, that it all goes by in a flash.  I'm amazed at how quickly each year of her life has gone by.

Emmy, the girl who made me a mom, has brought so much joy and love into our lives.  I have absolutely loved getting to see you grow into such a lovely young lady.  You are so full of life and energy.  I hope you forever stay my "chattabox" and "never break up with horses".  Continue to love and care for people as fiercely as you do now. Every year with you has brought more happiness than the last.  I cannot wait to see what this next year hold for you!


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