Big News

Wow, talk about a blogging break. I did not mean to neglect this space so much over the holiday {though I feel like no one even reads blogs anymore, so it's probably not a big deal}.  I will be back later this week with Christmas recaps, a look back at 2014 and a look ahead at 2015.  But first I wanted to share my news with you, the reason that I've been away from here so much.... of last night, December 30, 2014 I officially finished my book.  My very first novel.  Well finished is a strong word to use as I have weeks and weeks of editing to do, but the first draft is DONE!! 

Yes, I hand wrote the whole thing, and then went back and typed up what I had written that day...because I'm crazy. Skip thinks these notebooks will be worth a ton of money one day...he sorely overestimates how much money people make writing. 

When I first started writing, I had only a small idea for a story.  And before my eyes it grew and grew into something I'm really proud of... 3 1/2 notebooks filled...199 pages typed...96,000 words.  It took a lot of surprise twists and turns, but I think the choices I made honor the story the best.  And for those wondering, it's a love story.  But that's all I'll say for now.

I started this adventure back in August, and I can't believe that only four months later, I'm done.  I had assumed it would take me until June to write the first draft, so I'm pretty excited that my timeline got pushed up a lot.  It's strange to be done as well.  I have worked on this just about every single day since the summer.  Skip and I would talk about them like they were friends of ours. I loved seeing how their story developed.  Like I said, there is still a TON of work to do, but it's weird to know how the story ends, when for so long I didn't. 

This is a dream I have had since I was 10 years old.  And yes, I'm really hoping to get this published one day, but for now I'll enjoy the fact that I sat down and just did it.  I wrote a book. 


  1. So so so exciting!!!! I hope I can read it someday!!

  2. Oh my gosh! I am so excited for you! I would love to read it!

  3. I have a book that gives you address to send your manuscript to book companies etc. I got it off amazon. You should look at it if you are interested in trying to get it published.


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