Oh Christmas Tree! Oh Christmas Tree!

I loved that our whole family was together to decorate our tree this year.  Skip is often working when we do it, so it was a treat to have him home!

First off, we have a fake tree that we set up in the living room.  Growing up I always had a real tree and absolutely believed they were superior.  I still do in fact!  Skip and I had a real one our first few years married.  But then I had kids and dogs and no time to vacuum up pine needles 8934897589375 times a day and continuously shoo the dog away from drinking all the water in the basin.  So during the after Christmas sales one year, I snagged a pre-lit fake tree and have never looked back.  Just put a few pieces together and boom...all done.

We also don't have a theme when decorating our tree.  Every year growing up, my mom bought my sisters and I a new ornament.  So those, combined with ones I have gotten for the girls, and a bunch of others we've picked up along the way, are what we use to decorate the tree.  Throw on some tinsel icicles at the end and voila....all done!

It may not be be a magazine worthy tree, but that's alright with me.  Plus, nothing can take the place of the girls ooing and aaaing over each new ornament that comes out of the boxes.  I love sharing the story of each one with them....their first ornaments...the one from our first year married...the many many military ones.  No amount of bows and deco mesh can replace that.

Bring on the Christmas spirit!!


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