Real life is....

I have to admit, I've loved the invention of Instagram.  I love getting to see tiny slices of people's lives.  But Instagram isn't really true to life all the time.  We filter, crop, get just the right angle.  I get it it, if you're sharing a picture with lots of people, you want to look your best.

But sometimes it's fun to share the pictures that don't make it to Instagram.  The ones you snap quickly and often times forget about.  Those are the ones that give a real glimpse into what life is like.

So here's a little taste of what real life is around here:

Trying to get some work done

Eating dinner, standing up in the kitchen, watching Gilmore Girls


Morning snuggles

Picture with best friend Monkey

Watching TV after dinner

Dinner shenanigans

Pajama days

Bundling up to go out

Working on our core

Early morning family time

A little screen time in the morning

Surviving dance with little sister



What does your real life look like>


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