Santa...I know him!

I had big plans to take the girls to go see Santa at the very beginning of December.  The past two years I've failed at going early, and we end up having to wait on line forever.  Not something I'm interested in repeating.

But time slipped away, and I started to get nervous last week.  I really wanted to just get it over with!  So finally Thursday afternoon we decided to bite the bullet and make it happen.  AP had told me about Santa FastPasses they have in our area at some of the malls now {no I'm not kidding} so we grabbed one of those, put some cute shirts on the girls, and headed out.

I was nervous because the past two years the girls are excited to see Santa, until they actually get up close to him.  Then they freak and Skip and I end up jumping into the picture.  This year I was hoping I could get one with just them.

We must have chose the perfect time to go, because there was only one person ahead of us on line...we didn't even need the Fast Pass. Once it was our turn, the girls ran right up to him and jumped on his lap.  They happily told him all the things they wanted for Christmas and that they had been very good.  They smiled when it was time to take the picture and we practically had to drag them off him at the end.  It was perfect!

I was so happy to finally have a great Santa experience!  A little planning and a lot of luck can go a long way!!


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