So How Was Your Weekend?

I was really excited leading up to last weekend.  My mom was coming up to stay with the girls Saturday night so Skip and I could go into the city.  We were going to meet up with some of my college friends to go see the Rockefeller Center tree, and then go out to dinner.  Skip had never seen the tree in person before {?!?!?!} so I was really excited to experience that with him.

The first hiccup in our plans was the impending rain.  Not fun to stand outside in the pouring rain and stare at a tree.  The girls and I decided if it was too bad, then we'd just meet for dinner instead.  Problem solved.

The next problem arose about 4:15 am Friday morning when Emmy suddenly came down with the stomach flu.  I thought we'd have to cancel our plans for sure.  But she was only sick for a few hours and improved greatly as the day went on.  So I bleached everything in sight and carried on with our plans.

Saturday morning Emmy felt great, so my mom came up as planned.  It was pouring, so the girls and I decided to scrap the tree and just go right to dinner.  I felt a little run down in the afternoon, but figured it was because I'd only gotten 4 hours of sleep the night before.  Nothing that could slow me down.  So our friends picked us up at 4:30 and we headed in.

Just over the George Washington Bridge, my stomach started to feel a little queasy.  At first I thought it was because I can get a little car sick when I sit in the back.  But when I started get really cold and achy as well, I knew I was in trouble.  I tried to hold on a little bit longer, but just couldn't.  Let me tell you, it is really humbling to have to throw up out the window of a car, and then again on a street corner.  Our friends wanted to take us home, but we didn't want to ruin their night {we were meeting other friends} so we had then drop us off somewhere on the east side I think.  I knew I couldn't make it home just then, so we hightailed it to the bathroom at a bar on the corner...where I spent the next forty-five minutes getting sick. There was a point where I really though I was going to have to go to the hospital.  I have never been so sick in my entire life.

Finally I was able to hold it together enough to get a cab ride home.  Skip was smart and grabbed a few plastic bags in the bar, which I sadly put to use.  I was in and out of consciousness the whole way home.

Skip got me right to bed when we got home, and I spent the night alternating between sleeping and getting sick.  The hardest part of the night was when Charlie woke up sick.  Thankfully my mom and Skip were able to take good care of her, but it was so hard not to be able to comfort her myself.

I was still pretty sick the next day, only able to eat and drink a tiny bit.  Charlie was still very sick as well.  Oh, and poor Skip came down with it Sunday too.  Thankfully my mom offered to stay an extra day to take care of all of us.  I don't know what we would have done without her.

Sadly my mom ended up coming down with it too.  This was one vicious bug!  Days later we're all still pretty weak and only eating small meals of certain things.  Apparently there was a nasty stomach virus going around Emmy's school...enough that they closed today to sanitize the school.  I'm happy they'll be getting rid of it, and grateful for an extra day for us to relax! {she was off for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception yesterday}

I'm still bummed that our date night got ruined and hope we NEVER have to go through an illness like that again.  But thankfully we're all on the mend now...and at least it wasn't over Christmas!

So how was your weekend?


  1. That sounds brutal, you poor things! Glad you're on the mend though, being sick sucks!

  2. That is awful. Stomach things are the WORST (believe me, I have become a bit of an expert these past few months :P). I hope you're feeling better and you all are at 100% again soon!

  3. We are living the same life on opposite coasts. Tomorrow is our anniversary and we are having 60mph winds! We can't do anything.


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