Thanksgiving Recap

We had such a lovely Thanksgiving...mainly because Skip was off!  It is such a difference when he actually gets to spend the holiday instead of having to go to work.  We kicked off the morning with a little relaxing with my parents before heading out to see Disney's Frozen on Ice!  I had gotten tickets a few weeks ago.  I had originally thought about going on Black Friday, but the Thanksgiving tickets were half price, so I went with those:)  It actually was a great way to spend the morning waiting for dinner!

Emmy actually got a little bored with the show about halfway through, which surprised me, but Charlie {who I thought would fuss} loved every second of it. The show really was cute, and worth every penny when I got to see their faces light up!

It was around 1:00 when we got out, so we picked up some Sonic and ate in the car on the way home.  We spent the afternoon hanging out with my mom and watching football....GO LIONS!  We went over to my sister's house for dinner, and I'd say it was the best the girls ever behaved on a holiday.  Charlie got a little fussy towards the end since we had skipped nap, but overall, it was a very relaxing dinner.
Emmy snuggled up and fell asleep on me...perfection!

We celebrated Emmy's birthday with my family that night as well with presents and some cupcakes alongside the apple pie.

Once we got the girls into bed, Skip and I relaxed on the couch watching even more football.  It was a wonderful day and I was so happy we go to spend it together as a family!
My big sis even managed to capture a family photo!
Though Charlie wasn't too thrilled with it


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