American Sniper

I have been known to share my feelings on movies The Hurt Locker.  It's no surprise that I have seen just about every single military movie and documentary that has come out recently.  But none, none has stuck with me the way American Sniper has.

I have known the story of Chris Kyle for years, way before he died.  Skip knew of him by reputation and articles in the Marine Corps Times.  Almost two years ago, we mourned the loss when we heard of his death.  Our country had lost a true, American hero.

I knew the story would resonate with me for a few reasons.  Chris Kyle served in Iraq at the same time Skip did, both of them close together.  The Iranian sniper they talk about in the movie, had killed someone at Skip's base just before he got there.  And sadly, we have personal experience with a friend surviving the war, only to die shortly after coming home.  When things like that happen, you can never, ever understand them.

Like everyone else, I walked out of the theater in silence.  I needed time to process after such a powerful, intense movie.  Obviously there are a few inaccuracies in the movie, but overall it really seemed to capture the essence of Chris Kyle, and the struggle all our military families go through.

I think the main reason I loved this movie so much wasn't because of all his kills, or the many men Chris saved over there.  It wasn't that they are finally showing movies that illustrate how hard it is for our men and women to readjust when they come home.  Though don't get me wrong, I did love all those things in the movie.  But what I loved the most was Taya's story.  It's very subtle in the movie, but spot on. I nodded along with everything she said, having said all those things myself to my husband at some point.  Military wives are some of the strongest women in the world.  They stay behind and keep life going for their families all by themselves, sacrificing for the good of America.  But let's be honest ladies, it's not all stoic, wrap a yellow ribbon around the tree.  I was only a military wife for a short time, though my life as a cop wife has a few similarities.  Yes, we proudly support our husbands and understand why they have to go, but it's still hard.  It's really freakin' hard.  It's messy and raw and impossibly tough on a family.  So I am happy to see a film that not only highlights the struggles our veterans have once they come home, but all that the families go through as well.  We as a country need to start helping ALL of them.

I am so happy that this movie continues to do so well at the box office.  The more people see it, the more awareness will be brought, and hopefully more help for our veterans and their families.  But let's make sure that's what we do.  I don't want everyone just talking about helping our veterans.  We need to actually do it.

On Monday February 2, make sure that you fly your flag at half staff.  It is the two year anniversary of Chris Kyle's murder.  Let's all stand together and show Taya that her husband is not forgotten.

You can visit the Chris Kyle Foundation website and read more about their commitment to our veterans.

You can also visit the Marcus Luttrell Foundation.

You can contact your local VA home to see about volunteering.

You can just say thank you to any veteran you know.

And always keep them, and their families in your thoughts and prayers at night. They risk everything for us, and we have to remember that just because they've left the war...doesn't mean the war has left them.


  1. Great post! I thought the scenes with his wife were spot on as well. A friend and I watched the movie together and we both were nodding and saying that we've all had the same conversations with our husbands. I know people have said they think the movie portrayed her as negative. I disagree. My husband and I watched it together as well and He was shaking his head and laughing at their Chris and Luke's conversations because we've had the exact same ones! I can't wait for her book to come out and to read his. Happy Chris Kyle day

  2. We went and saw this opening weekend. We thought it was a great movie and for good reasons too. Beezy was in the AF at the same time over there so it really hit home for him.


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