Monday Mash Up

Oh random Monday post, how I've missed you so!  It's been a long time and beyond necessary to resurrect you today.

{one} We woke up to some snow on Saturday.  Even I had to admit it looked beautiful.

 {two} We're finally all better...WAHOO!!  Other than some lingering cough and drippy noses, the great flu/virus whatever of 2015 has finally vacated.  I even got dressed in real clothes for the first time in a week yesterday!

{three} Yesterday was also the first time I left the house in a week.  Yes, seriously.
Yes, I'm a month behind on coloring my hair.

CVS has never looked so good.

{four} Good thing I got in my big day out while I could, because we're currently expecting a history-making snow storm...though we're down to only 2ft instead of 3, so that's hopeful.

{five} Emmy's school had an early dismissal today, but I just called her out.  With Skip working a double shift and coming home in the worst of it, and only having one car with four wheel drive, we felt it was the best decision.  Considering the streets are already covered in snow, I'm pretty sure it was the best idea.  They're off tomorrow already and we'll just have to see about Wednesday.

{six} I came in second place in another running challenge a few weeks ago.  Second place is all I ever come in!  This one involved competing against 8 other people though, so I'm pretty proud of myself.  Plus finishing 35 miles in 5 days isn't too bad either.  Sadly I haven't done any since because of the flu, and I'm itching to get back out there!

{seven} Skip is back at work after being off for a week to take care of us.  It was so nice having him home with us!  We all miss him already.

{eight} I've been editing my book like crazy.  Silly me thought writing the first draft would be the hard part.  How very wrong I was.  It's tough too, because I'm basically a working mom right now, but without getting paid for it.  I'm still trying to find the balance of getting everything I need to done, but we're getting there.

{nine}I can't believe our country spent almost a full week talking about DeflateGate.  Seriously people??  There are about a million more important things to worry about in this country.  Let's move on.

{ten} I'll be sharing my thoughts on American Sniper in a separate post soon...I just need a little more time to process it all.

 Hope everyone in the path of the storm stays safe! I'm off to do mountains of laundry and make brownies...obviously!


  1. Gald you're feeling better! And good luck with the next storm, hopefully you will all stay nice and safe and warm!


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