Biggest Girl Bed

Big things have been happening around these parts for my Charlie bear.  Back in the summer, her crib turned toddler bed, broke.  The metal part in the middle that the mattress lays on broke.  So for the past few months she's been sleeping on a mattress that just sits on the floor, while surrounded by the bed frame.  Needless to say, it was time for a new bed.

It was quite a process and took a lot of research to find a bed.  Charlie's room is tiny.  Like really really tiny.  So I spent hours measuring up in her room, trying to find the largest bed we could fit.  I really wanted to get a twin bed with a trundle.  We have a decent amount of people stay over our house, and I wanted to have as much room as possible to accommodate them.  I also was willing to pay for quality, but didn't want to drop thousands on a bed and mattresses, so I really put in the time searching for the best deal.

After being delayed by snow, the flu, and more snow, we weer finally able to head out with Charlie last week to search for her "biggest girl bed".  We headed to Bob's Furniture first.  I had never shopped there, but I'd heard great things about it.  We looked at every bed they had before I finally laid my eyes on this beauty. {click on the picture if you want to go to the website.  No this isn't sponsored or affiliated, I just wanted to share!}

It was perfect.  It was sturdy, not too big, and a great price.  We added in two mattresses and signed up for delivery.

Poor Charlie was so anxious to get it and asked every day when it was coming.  Finally, early Tuesday morning the delivery men arrived and set it all up.  We took down Charlie's old bed and put it out at the curb for the garbage men to grab {I'm not was broken and all scratched up}.

I'll be honest, a few tears might have been shed over the last of the toddler items leaving the house. This was the crib I laid Charlie in her first night home from the hospital.  Now here she is, sleeping in a twin.

All my tears were quickly wiped away when I saw how excited Charlie was.  For the past three days, she has thanked me for her bed, and told me she loves it, about 50 times a day.  It really is the cutest thing in the world.

So now the crib is gone, the toddler sheets have all been thrown out, and we are stepping closer and closer to have two school-age children in the house.  Big things going on!


  1. Charlotte and Emmy are so lucky to have you and Skip. You always do your best for them. It is clear that they know and appreciate it. Nothing better than hearing those thank you's.


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