Bits and Pieces

I'm not even sure what day it is anymore, so a little mish mash is all I can handle today.

- Emmy was off of school again yesterday.  We had way more ice than snow this storm, which made it so much more dangerous.
Covered in ice

I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.  Especially since the high on Sunday is going to be 9*.......9*.  Someone fly me to Florida

- Being stuck in the house so much is really starting to wear on all of us, and we are running out of ways to pass the time:

there has been plenty of dress up....


...purging and reorganizing anything I can find...

...way too many sweets...

...and dance parties every night.

Please let winter be over soon...I'm not sure how much more I can take.

- I have been editing my book for weeks now.  Its almost ready for some of my friends to read it.  I've enlisted a few of them to be brutally honest with their feedback.  I'm so scared to send my baby out into the world!

- I needed a new show to start watching since Skip works nights every other week, so i jumped into Gossip Girl.  I'm obsessed.  Though sadly I already know who the Gossip Girl is and it's ridiculously annoying.  I'll rejoin the rest of the world once I'm done with it!

- I had to take two days off of working out do to this crappy cold I've got.  I was super annoyed about it, because I really wanted to work out every day this month.  Maybe I'll throw in some two a days to make up for it.

- I really miss running outside.

- I'm sad that blogging really seems to be over.  I'm still going to do my thing, but I miss the community of it.

- I take very few pictures these days, and none with my good camera.  I really need to start getting better about this.

- Skip and I really need to start planning big anniversary {10 years!!} trip down to DC this summer.  What are your must sees?  Where are the best places to eat?  I've never been, so I can use as much help as possible!!

- Alright, I'm off to brave the icy roads and escape to the gym for a little while.  Have a happy Tuesday everyone!!


  1. Congrats on the book! Can't wait to hear more about it! Your two girls are just darling!

  2. I can't believe how much snow and ice you've had! It's supposed to be 3 here on Sunday. I need to move!
    I know what you mean about it feeling like blogging is over. Half of the bloggers on my reading list aren't blogging anymore. I swear, Instagram took over!


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