Day of Love

I'm pretty sure this was the best Valentine's Day I ever had.  Skip was supposed to work, but he was able to take a vacation day and stay home with us.  We all got up together and went downstairs for a few gifts.  Skip picked up some giant balloons and I had gotten them some new pj's and bath towels....and of course a few pieces of candy!

Skip and I had decided not to exchange anything, but apparently we're not so good at following the rules.  I got Skip some chocolates and he got me the most beautiful bouquet of tulips...,my favorite flower!

We relaxed and hung out together for the rest of the morning.  Since our sitter was unavailable that weekend, Skip and I were going to take the girls out to dinner.  However, as is the norm this winter, we were supposed to get some snow that night, so we decided to go out to lunch instead.

We went to T.G.I.Fridays because we're classy like that.  It was such an enjoyable experience...which as the mom of two kids I never thought I'd say!  Now that they're older, eating at a restaurant is so much easier.  Emmy and Charlie sit on one side of the table together.  They color, hug, and share their food.  It's adorable!  We no longer need to use electronics to keep them from screaming either.  It's life changing.

When we got home, the girls had "rest time" in their room and Skip and I dozed on the couch.  I went to the gym for a bit, and then we had leftovers for dinner.  That night Skip let me pick what movie we watch, and I was shocked when he said he'd never seen Sleepless in Seattle before.  Obviously that had to be remedied.  We then topped off the evening with a special on Chris Kyle.

Overall it was a simple day filled with lots of love and family time.  And in the middle of this hard, tough winter, I'll take as many of those as I can get.


  1. Love seeing these pictures of your family happy and all together! Seems like you guys had an awesome Vday!

  2. Sleepless in Seattle? Love! I had a day last week where I watched nothing but Jane Austen related films! Sometimes, you just need those days. :) Your little family is beautiful! I agree too - these warm hugs and cuddly days with my kiddo's make it easier to manage the cold/snowy days at home. Have a blessed week! - Melinda -

  3. So glad you all got to spend the day together! Loved your sweet idea about small gifts for the kids- will be starting that next year!


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