Monday Mish Mash

Winter weather...Stars Hollow...Oscars...this post has it all!

- This winter has been rough on me.  I do not do well in the cold dreary temps.  And I really don't do well when you see temps like -21 when you have to take your kid to school.  We're not Canada...this is not normal for Jersey.

- We had to unfreeze the pipes twice last week.  Thankfully Skip was home for the first one.  And yes, we keep out heat at 70* at night, open all the cabinet doors, and put all the faucets on to drip at night.  We're just that lucky.

- Needless to say last week was loooooong.  I feel like I can never get warm, no matter how many pairs of pants you're wearing at once.  You know it's a bad winter when yesterday reached 38* and you practically ran through the streets wearing shorts.

- Even though the snow threatened to derail our plans, Skip and I managed to sneak out for a little date night Saturday!  Our town, in continuing to strive to be Stars Hollow, opened a small movie theater last year.  It shows only "old" movies!  It is absolutely the cutest thing ever.  Casablanca was playing and I was so excited, as Skip had never seen it before.  Such a fun date night out with my man!

- I have lots of thoughts on the Oscars last night....the main one being that it was a little too long.  Did we really need to start it at 8:30?  I'm up past midnight most nights, but this was a little ridiculous.

- I think this was the most political Oscars I've ever seen.  Lots of big issues were brought up either in the movies, or the acceptance speeches.  Sadly I think the least amount of attention was brought to Veterans and how they still need our support and help when they come home.  Yes, the best documentary was about a PTSD help line, but overall I felt like other issues were brought forth more.

- I'm just angry and disappointed that American Sniper didn't win.  Not for nothing, The Hurt Locker won a few years ago.  And while I loved that movie, American Sniper blows it out of the park. I would have even been happy if The Imitation Game had won.  But Birdman?  Really?  Bradley got robbed and will always be the winner in my mind.

- To all of you just now hating Sean Penn.  Welcome to our side.  Also, what happened last night was tasteless but the least of his transgressions.

- I did enjoy some of the fashions and seeing so many stars together though.  We even let Emmy stay up a bit and watch some of the red carper.  She said that Kelly Osborn looked like Beethoven.  Good to know Emmy's not a fan of the purple hair.

- There seemed to be a lot of classic black and white last night, which I'm always a big fan of.  I didn't love all of the dresses, but was happy to see a lot of grace and class overall.

- The woman with the most poise and grace of the evening was absolutely Taya Kyle.  Lots of people cried during the musical performances....I cried when I saw she was holding her husband's dog tags.
Found here
- It obviously wasn't an easy night for her, but her insistence on being there to bring awareness to Veteran's issues is humbling.  She truly is an inspiration to so many people.

- I was searching through some of our DVDs the other night and I found the videos Skip and I had made and sent to each other when he was deployed.  Such a walk down memory lane!

- The week marks 10 years since he came home from Iraq, so expect a lot of reminiscing!

- Well this weekend was a nice break, but it's back to negative temperatures tonight and me grumbling constantly about moving to Florida.


  1. Hope it warms up fro you soon! We've had lots of winter weather here too, which we usually don't get near this much snow.

    1. Thanks! That stinks! I think it's been a rough winter for a lot of people. Maybe next week spring will make an appearance?!


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