Hey, It's Okay!

Today I'm linking up with Airing my Dirty Laundry for a little 'Hey, it's okay Tuesday!'

Airing My Dirty Laundry

It's okay:
- that I want to cry every time I see the forecast.  More snow...more sub-freezing temperatures.  I fear winter will never end, and I'll have to spend all our money on our electric bill.

- to only have three episodes left of House of Cards and still not be sure if I like it.  This season is getting better, but it's still plenty weird.

- to be eating my weight in sugar cookies regularly.  It's freezing outside...my body is just trying to make sure I have enough fat so I don't freeze to death.  It's a health thing.

- to be really excited that Jared Leto cut his hair.  Yes, he had a gorgeous mane, but he looks so much better with short hair.  Jordan Catalano forever.

- to be thoroughly confused as to how I hurt my shoulder running yesterday.  I could only do 2 miles as the pain became too bad.  I may even have to break out my sling today.  How does this stuff only happen to me?!?!

- to still want to find a way to work out today, even with this injury.

- to both love and hate that the girls are growing up.  I miss the broken up English and wobbly steps.  However Skip and I relaxed on the couch last night while they cleaned up the entire playroom.  So maybe it's not so bad after all.

- to still be confused by all this Daisy stuff.  I was never a Girl Scout so this is all still very new to me!  Parenting elementary school kids is hard.

- to not even really like Girl Scout cookies

- to buy the girls books every month from the Scholastic catalog.  I just can't say no to books!  Plus, I love having new stories to read at bedtime.

- to have finally jumped on the Trivia Crack bandwagon.  All my free time is now gone.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!


  1. Trivia crack is so addicting... they aptly named the app! UGH. And I was never a Daisy (I started in Brownies) but the caramel delights/samoas are amazing.

  2. I love buying books too!

    Mmm, cookies.

    Our weather is cold too. But it's supposed to get warm this weekend.

  3. My husband and teen kids are big into Trivia Crack. So far I haven't given in to the addiction. I'm with you on the weather; I'm sooo over winter. I feel like all I want to do is eat and sleep during the winter weather. Hope your shoulder gets to feeling better.


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