March Goals

It's finally March...wahoo!!  Why does the shortest month of the year always seem the longest?  It probably has something to do with the fact it was the coldest February ever.  Awesome.  But now that that's over, hopefully the end is in sight {though it snowed again today...and will again later this week}.

I really liked setting a few specific goals for February.  It helped focus my attention.  Let's see how I did!

{one} Workout every day.  I was so close but missed two days due to being sick.  So totally justified in my book.  I did push myself way more than I have recently, and found even when I'm tired or not feeling great, I can still get in a great workout.

{two} Finish editing my book.  Yes!  Well, not completely done, but I edited it enough to share with some friends and family.  I'm starting to get some feedback now so I'll be back at it again.

{three} Go on one date night. Yup!  Skip and I got to go see Casablanca.

{four} Read three books. I actually managed to read four!  I read 41: A Portrait of my Father by George W. Bush....Because of You by Jessica Scott....Until There Was You by Jessica Scott....Fearless: The Heroic Story of One Navy SEAL's Sacrifice in the Hunt for Osama Bin Laden and the Unwavering Devotion of the Woman Who Loved Him by Eric Blehm.

{five} Bleach the grout in the kitchen.  Nope, sadly I failed on this.  No real excuse, just never got the motivation to do it.

I was happy with focusing on checking off these goals, so I plan to do it again this month!  Here are my goals for March:

{one} Run 60 miles.  My mileage slacks in the winter since I have to do all my running on the treadmill.  Hopefully this month gets a little warmers so I can start running outside again!

{two} Go on a date night.  I'm hoping to make this a goal every month!

{three} Donate.  I have several bags of old baby clothes and toys just sitting in my basement since the fall waiting to be donated.  I want to go through the rest of the house and see what else I can give.  I use this organization for all my stuff.  They pick up at the house, and I love helping veterans!

{four} No Take-Out.  Okay, I'm cheating a little, because this is what we decided to give up for Lent as a family.  But Easter isn't until April, so it works for this month too.

{five} Bleach the grout in the kitchen. I'll give this one another shot!

What are you hoping to accomplish this month?


  1. Good job reaching those goals, and best of luck this month! I just want to get my bathroom finished. We're so close, and I think we can do it!

    1. Thanks!! That's awesome about re-doing your bathroom! Hope it's done soon for you!


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