It's been a really long time since I did any sort of updating on here, so it looks like a random list post is in order! - I miss blogging. I know hardly anyone blogs, or even reads them anymore, but I love having a record of our lives to look back on. Must get better about it. - I've been away so much because I've been knee-deep in finishing my novel. Well, 8 months, 93,706 words, 337 pages double spaced later, it's done! I've finished my query letter and synopsis as well. I spent all weekend researching agents and narrowed it down to the first handful I'm going to send out my stuff to. I'll be querying them this week and then it'll be time to sit back and wait for the rejections to roll in. It's exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time. I'll probably take a little time off writing for a bit then start diving into my next novel! - I was walking in the kitchen the other day and slipped. Don't worry, I caught myself on th...