Monday Mish Mash

It's been a really long time since I did any sort of updating on here, so it looks like a random list post is in order!

- I miss blogging.  I know hardly anyone blogs, or even reads them anymore, but I love having a record of our lives to look back on.  Must get better about it.

- I've been away so much because I've been knee-deep in finishing my novel.  Well, 8 months, 93,706 words, 337 pages double spaced later, it's done!  I've finished my query letter and synopsis as well.  I spent all weekend researching agents and narrowed it down to the first handful I'm going to send out my stuff to.  I'll be querying them this week and then it'll be time to sit back and wait for the rejections to roll in.  It's exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time.  I'll probably take a little time off writing for a bit then start diving into my next novel!

- I was walking in the kitchen the other day and slipped.  Don't worry, I caught myself on the edge of the counter with the side of my ribs so I didn't hit the ground.  I've birthed two children and this hurt worse.  I had a nice scrape, some pretty bruising, and some bruised ribs.  PS, that is SO MUCH WORSE than I thought it would be.  The pain has been pretty bad.  Skip had to take off on Thursday to help me and thankfully my mom was around to take and pick up Emmy from school on Friday.  Sadly no running until the pain subsides.  Hopefully I'll all better soon!

- Skip and I decided to be real adults finally and got some new patio furniture {we've been rocking a broken table for years} and a sectional for the living room recently.  I'm completely in love.  Though now I just sit around all the time instead of getting stuff done, whoops.

- Poor Shiba, she's barely a real dog and we make it worse by subjecting her to dress up.  Thankfully she didn't mind too much.

- I recently got sunburned and it was AMAZING!  We had one 80* day and I was outside until the sun set.  This is what I have been waiting months for.  Sadly we had a freeze warning this weekend and the heat is back on in the house.  Go home spring, you're drunk.

- Skip and I got a date night in this month and it was awesome.  We saw Furious 7 and I absolutely cried at the end.  What a beautiful tribute to Paul Walker.

- Those tears were nothing like what I spilled over Grey's Anatomy last week.  HOW DO YOU KILL OF MCDREAMY?!  It's McWrong.  And then Eric Dane posted a picture of McDreamy and McSteamy on his instagram that night and I lost it all over again.  Damn you fictional characters.  Not sure how I'll get through the funeral episode this week, but all I've got to say is that Christina and Addison better be there.

- The girls are SO BIG recently.  Seriously, they're like little people now.  It's amazing and so sad all at the same time.  I love seeing their personalities come out so much though.  They definitely keep life interesting!

- My kids are 3 and 6 and still have 'rest time' every day {well, Emmy just on the weekends}  They have to stay in there rooms and get Ipad time.  I nap as much as possible during this time too.  I get my best writing done at night, so the most I've slept since August is about 6 hours a night.  I'll have time to sleep when I'm older right?

- Charlie's favorite thing to do these days is shopping.  She asks to go all the time.  Sorry Skip, I've created a monster.

- I'm going to see Taya Kyle {Chris Kyle, the American Sniper's wife} speak in a few weeks about her new book.  I could not be more excited about it!  She is such an inspiration to all military wives.

Alright, that's enough for now.  Hopefully I'll be back on a more semi-regular basis!


  1. Yay for a finished novel!! Congratulations! What an amazing accomplishment!
    Ouch on your ribs!
    I'm also in a trap of loving the stages of my kids growing up and not wanting to grow up at the same's bittersweet! Your girls are the cutest!
    I hope you blog about seeing Chris Kyle's wife speak--I'd be totally interested to hear about it!

    Yay for date night!


  2. So excited that you finished your novel! I hope I get to read it someday. (I am so behind on my blog reading, just now catching up!)


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