Easter Recap

I'd really like to get back to regular blogging and sharing parts of our lives.  So what better way to jump back in than with a little Easter recap!

We kicked off the festivities on Saturday with the town egg hunt.  We'd never gone before, so I was excited to see what it was all about.  Before we left Emmy grabbed some plastic eggs for her and Charlie to pose with in some pictures...that's my girl!

OMG.  I had no idea how vicious egg hunts can be.  All the eggs on the ground were gone in about 3 seconds.  And that included the few randoms that Emmy spotted, but PARENTS snagged up before she could grab them.  Fantastic.  Love the people in my town.

Thankfully they had a whole box of extra eggs, so the girls were able to grab a few.  We then waited online to see the Easter Bunny.  I'd never taken them before because 1. he's creepy and 2. I hate how Easter is becoming like Christmas.  But the guy was right there, so I figured why not.  Emmy totally knew he was fake though...but thankfully still believes in the real guy for now.

We decorated eggs when we got home.  The girls loved that I got a kit that had glitter in it.  Definitely a home-run for mom.

Then Skip went off to work and I spent the night filling eggs, having a Fast and the Furious marathon, and constantly sneaking jelly beans.  I also managed to construct a cake that really did resemble a bunny in the end.  Not an easy task for me, let me tell you.  And I whipped up a bunch of sugar cookies for Skip to take to work for him and the boys.

Skip had to work Sunday, but at least we had him home in the morning!  We got up early for baskets and a little indoor egg hunt.

We then got all dressed up and had a little mini photo shoot, obviously.  I mean, come on...how cute are these two matching girl!

We then went off to Applebees for lunch, cause we're classy like that.  Well really because kids ate for free on Easter...score!!

It was sad to see Skip go off to work, but at least we had him home for the important moments in the morning!  Such is the life of a cop family:)


  1. Your girls are adorable! It looks like you had a good Easter!
    I'm completely with you on the egg hunts (insanity!!!) and the Easter Bunny! We only see the bunny at the egg hunt and don't really focus much on the Easter Bunny at all.

  2. Glad you had such a great Easter! Loved their matching dresses!

  3. Pretty girls are growing up SO quickly!!

  4. Aw, it looks like a great Easter! I love that cake!


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