Carnivals and Hospitals

Today is already feeling very Monday-ish, but at least the sunshine and hot weather are helping!  I am absolutely loving this early summer feel.

Skip has been working normal hours the past few weeks...home for dinner, off on weekends.  It's AMAZING!!  This is what you're all treated to every day?!?  It really is the greatest thing ever, and I've been soaking up all the family time we've gotten.  Sadly, it all ends this week, but it was nice while it lasted.

School pictures came in this week.  I absolutely love my big girl's sweet face!

It's carnival time around here in New Jersey.  For the next few weeks all the local schools seem to have carnivals to raise money.  It's a little pricey, but fantastic.  We've been taking Emmy for years, but never brought Charlie before.  Last Tuesday we all went as a family.  The girls had such a fabulous time!  I loved watching their little excited faces on each of the rides.

Looks like we're going to be busy the next few weeks!

Poor Skip and Charlie got sick last week.  Nothing major, just fevers and colds, but enough to be miserable for a few days.  Thankfully Emmy and I managed to skate by without being sick...which never happens.  Hope that's the end of the winter sickies now!

This week is the start of National Police Week.  With everything going on in the country, I have lots of feelings on this subject.  I'm hoping to put my thoughts down here sometime this week.

This picture perfectly sums up my girls' personalities..I love it!

I was having a tough day on Friday, so I decided to go for a run after dinner to clear my head.  When I turned down my street, I was only at 3.7 miles, so I decided to keep going to get to an even 4.  Unfortunately my foot got stuck in a pothole and twisted with some nice crunching sounds.  I immediately hobbled home and Skip helped me sit and ice it.  I couldn't move it much and it was really painful, but I could put some weight on it and it wasn't bruised or swollen, so we didn't think too much of it.  Well when I woke up Saturday the pain was worse and it was now bruised and swollen.  So Skip and I dropped the girls off with a friend and headed out for a little date at the emergency room {no McDreamy wasn't there...I checked}.  After a few hours and some X-rays, I finally had a diagnosis.  Thankfully it wasn't broken, just badly sprained.  I need to keep it wrapped and rock some crutches for the next few days.  Oh, and no running for a week....yes that was my first question.  It's taking some adjusting, but we're managing right now.  Hopefully the pain stops soon and I can get back to doing something besides lying on the couch.

All that aside, I had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday. I was spoiled with gifts, flowers, and cards.  We spent the morning at my sister's having a delicious brunch with my mom.  The rest of the day was spent relaxing outside and snuggling on the couch.  I am so lucky every day to be their mom, but it's always nice to have one day set aside to celebrate that.

I hope this week is better than the last and I can get back to running soon.  I'm already going stir crazy!  Have a great week everyone!


  1. Ouch! I'm so glad it's just a sprain! I hope you heal quickly.
    Love the school picture. She is too cute!
    Have a great weekend!


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