Catch Up Friday

Here's a little catch-up for your Friday!

- It's been three weeks since I sprained my ankle and I'm still rocking this air cast.  It's about as much fun as it sounds.  It sounds silly, but not being able to run has been SO hard for me.  It's my one break, the one thing I do for me every day.  And it's been GORGEOUS out.  I slaved away for months on the treadmill, just waiting for the day I could run outside.  It's absolute torture not to be out there.  There also seems no end in sight for my injury.  So if you'll need me I'll be in the corner crying and eating my feelings.

- We recently had a very busy day of birthday parties, zoo visits, and college graduations....and the best party was that Skip was home for it!  How often does that happen?!  It was so great to spend that time with my family and friends!

- With school winding down, my days are numbered with Charlie at home with me.  I'm soaking up every last moment before BOTH my girls are in school all-day, every day next year!

- Emmy had her spring concert last week at school.  Both Skip and my mom were able to be there!  It was absolutely adorable.  Of course Emmy was the cutest of the bumble bees.

- Charlie was less than happy about being there, #littlesisterproblems, but she really did well to sit there for so long.

- Plus, Skip and I took her to the diner afterwards, so that made up for it

- The girls and I recently donated and participated in Red Nose Day to raise money and awareness for children's charities.  How cute are my little clowns?!

- It would have been Braddock's 7th birthday the other day.  Man, I still miss that sweet squishy face.

- Every afternoon has looked like this recently and I could not be more excited.  Sweet summertime is here and I am loving every second of it.

- We joined the swim club in our town for the first time this year.  As you can see, the girls are pretty excited about it.  It's gonna be a good summer!

- It was recently the 10th anniversary of when I graduated college.  I'm not quite sure how that happened, since I'm obviously still 24.

- While I wait {and wait and wait and wait and wait} to hear back from all the agents I queried about my novel, I decided to start working on novel #2.  So I packed up all the copies I had of my first one, and have stored them away.  I'm 10,000 words into novel #2 and feeling pretty good about the story!

It's going to be a great weekend.  Emmy and I have a Daisy cookout, There is a craft sale in town, lots of pool time, and Skip and I have a date night tonight!  Hope you all have a great weekend too!


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