Memorial Day - Parade and Misconceptions

Emmy has been in the Daisy's all year.  It's a new experience for me, because I never was a Girl Scout or anything when I was younger.  It's been a learning experience for sure.  But we were all very excited when we learned Emmy would be walking in the local Memorial Day parade.

It took some figuring out because Skip was supposed to ride with the VFW, but my ankle is still so bad I didn't think I could make it for the whole parade.

In the end, he walked with Emmy, and Charlie and I set ourselves up along the route to watch.

It was so great to see Emmy marching along with her friends.  And Charlie really enjoyed the whole experience as well.  We had a wonderful morning as a family, though it was not lost on me how different this day would look if Skip hadn't come home to us.

I noticed something as well this weekend.  There is a lot of misinformation about Memorial Day.  I'd like to quickly clear some of that up.
 - Memorial Day is a day to honor those that died while serving in the military.

- While I love any day that people thank Skip for his service, Memorial Day is not for him, or any other living veterans.  It is only about those that died.

- Please, please do NOT say Happy Memorial Day.  I know no one is doing it to be mean, but it is very hurtful to all those who have lost someone.

- For so many people, this day can never be about parties or being at the beach.  They are still grieving the friends that they lost.  Try and be respectful of this.

- This is not a day for your political beliefs.  That's great that you hate all wars and think they're pointless.  You can keep your beliefs to yourself for one day.  It is extremely hurtful to the families of those that died.

- Think of it this way.  Would you ever think of making 9-11 a holiday, party day?  No, that would be horrible.  {and if you would then just stop following me now}  The feelings so many of our veterans have on Memorial Day are similar.

- And please, DO NOT set off fireworks.  They are hard enough for combat veterans to deal with on the Fourth of July.  It is much harder on Memorial Day.  Again, this is not a celebration is a day of solemn remembrance.

Hope that clears some things up!


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