A Sad Goodbye

Today would have been my Grandma's 92nd birthday.  It a strange turn of events, it is also the day of the close of the sale of her house.  I won't lie, it hurts.  Many have told me that it is a sign, that Grandma must have had a hand in it all.  And I'm sure that's true, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

My Grandma bought that house back in 1956.  She and my Grandpa were the sole owners of the house.  In my 32 years, my family and moved a few times to different houses.  But the one thing that always remained constant in my life, was Grandma's.  I have so many wonderful memories there.

Now I know that I will always hold these memories in my heart, but it was nice to have a place to go where I could really feel them.  And that is going to be hard to deal with.

I will give myself time to be sad today, but also focus on all the wonderful years I had with my Grandma and the thousands of memories we created.  I will also try and be happy for the young couple that has bought there house, and all the wonderful times they are about to embark on.


  1. Great post. Thank you. I couldn't have written about it.

  2. :( I'm so sorry. I couldn't even imagine how hard that must be and I dread the day we have to sell my grandparents' house.


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