Carnivals and Street Fairs

One of the things I love most about summer is all the fun activities in our area.  There is never a shortage of street fairs, farmer's markets, and carnivals.  For one of the most populated areas in the country, it helps bring a small-town feeling.  So we try to go to as many of them as we can.

We recently went to a carnival at my old elementary school.  It was so weird to walk around the same parking lot I had when I was 13, now with my own kids.

Emmy was amazed that I had gone there, and loved all the stories I told her.  The highlight of the night was running into a friend of mine who went through school with me there.  We've been friends since kindergarten, and sometimes I just can't believe how much time has passed since then.

The girls rode rides, played games, and of course topped off the evening with some ice cream!

About a week later, our town had its annual street fair.  The main street closes off to traffic and is filled with all sorts of fun things.  There was music, bouncy houses, face-painting, food, and all the stores had tables outside their shops.

It's one of our favorite town events every year, and this one did not disappoint!

There are few things I love more than being at a fun, outside activity with my family.

Does your town have any summer events you love to go to?


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