June Goals Revisted

I swear this month has just flown by.  I can't believe tomorrow is July already!  I'll be honest, I completely forgot I even made these goals, so I'm a little nervous to see how I've done.  Let's take a look!

{one} Finished the first half of my second novel.  I'm 4 chapters in already and if I  keep up my current pace, I think I can get it done. 
Done!  This book is split into two parts, and I'm finished with part 1 and have even made some headway with part 2.

{two} Donate our old couches and clean out the garage.  I have the Salvation Army coming to get them this week and it could not come soon enough.  Our garage is the messiest I've ever seen it and I'm excited to get it all cleaned up.
Done!  Well, mostly.  Our garage is organized better and we got rid of our couches.  The clothes to donate are still sitting in our basement, but overall, lots of progress.

{three} Run...at least once.  As I said last week, I'm still unable to walk without a brace, let alone run.  But I am determined to get better soon and get back out there.  I'm not going to set any specific mileage goals, I just want to run even a little!
Done!  Which honestly, is a miracle considering I sprained my other ankle just over a week ago.  But I managed to squeak in 28 miles for the month.  Let's hope July is injury free!

{four} Sign Emmy up for martial arts.  Girl has been begging us for two years now.  She's going to take a break from dance this summer and wants to try out something else.  We're trying to figure out that combined with swim lessons, so once we do that, we'll get her enrolled!
Done!  She starts tomorrow at a local place for a camp that meets twice a week. Both girls also start swim lessons tomorrow.  It's going to be a busy July!

{five} Slow down and enjoy.  Emmy is finishing kindergarten next week.  This is my last two weeks with Charlie alone before she starts school next year.  Emmy's first dance recital is in two weeks.  I want to make sure that among all the papers, teacher gifts, and running a house, I make sure to enjoy every moment I can.
Done!  It's been a great month.  It was a little stressful at times, but we managed to figure it all out.  We've spent tons of time outside at the pool and local parks.  I'm really enjoying this summer so far.

Bring it on July!


  1. Wow! How are our babies getting so big?!

    We completely cleared out our garage and basement, thanks to my garage sale and charitable donations. It feels so good!

    Congrats on such a productive month - way to kick butt :)


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