A Spirited Fourth

It seems like Skip is always working on the Fourth of July.  In the past 11 Independence days we've spent together, he's been off for less than half.  But this year {the one I will deem the year Skip has been home for almost all holidays!} his squad was actually scheduled off....Saturday AND Sunday!!  Wahoo!!

Now while most people in NJ flock to the beaches, we prefer to stay away.  Mainly because our town and surrounding areas suddenly become almost deserted, and I enjoy driving around without a ridiculous amount of traffic far too much.  So we just decided to have a relaxing weekend.

The weather could't quite seem to make up its mind, so it rained on and off all morning on Saturday.  So we just hung around in the house.  I managed to sneak in a run in between the raindrops, but that was about it.  It brightened in the afternoon, and we took the girls to the park.

When we got home, we ate some hotdogs and ribs that Skip grilled for us.  Afterwards we got ready to head out to the local fireworks!  I haven't actually seen them in person in years {personal fireworks are illegal in NJ}  because I've either been pregnant, with a little one, or Skip is working.  But now that the girls are a little older, we knew it was time.

We had to wait about an hour and a half for them to start, but the girls did so good!  Skip brought along some extra headphones and ear plugs he has from the gun range for the girls to wear, so the loud noises wouldn't bother them.

The looks on their faces were absolutely priceless.  They both loved every second of it.

Sure, they went to bed later then they have in their whole lives, but it was so so worth it.  How luck I felt to have such a great holiday with my family!


  1. Looks like fun, we are hoping that next year will be our year to bring the girls. Addie is still too little to handle being in public too late. (well she can do it but because we are decent humans we wont subject others to what she may do!)


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