Blue Family

A few months ago, one of the officers in Skip's department died of a heart attack while playing in a charity basketball game.  He was a father to five daughters, and far too young himself, and it hit the department hard.  It had been a long time {blessedly} since they lost anyone who was still on the job, not retired.

In the days following his death, especially at the wake, I got to see that brotherhood is not just something they say.  The thin blue line truly is a family, a way of life.  Officers posting themselves at the house, helping out with whatever the family needed, a sea of blue at the wake.  Even during such a sad time, as a cope wife, it warmed my heart to see the way they all came together.

Last night Skip and I attended a benefit dinner his department put together to raise money for his family.  We guesstimated about 700 people packed into one of the most beautiful venues in the area.  Bagpipers played sea few songs {including the Marine Corps Hymn which they played at our wedding 10 years ago!} and several people, including his daughter, spoke about what a great man he was.  As a wife, it meant so much to me to see the amount of love and support given to the family in their time of need.

After eating, we all walked around, putting tickets we'd bought in front of prizes we hoped to win.  Skip and I volunteered to run the gifts around to the people who'd won.  Let me tell you, that was my favorite part of the evening.  People get SO excited when they win, and it was such a great feeling to get to be the one to tell them that.  As Skip said, we got to  make dreams come true!

Skip and I even managed to win two things by ourselves...which never happens!  Emmy woke up to a new Razor scooter this morning, and I got to bring home a Giants' helmet and signed picture of Prince Amukamara!!

Not only was it a wonderful night out with my husband, it was a beautiful reminder of how close the law enforcement community is.  Our government night not be supportive of those in uniform today.  But we go above and beyond for each other.  And that's the most important thing in the end.

RIP 1359

{Obviously I had a lot more pictures of the event, but for security these days, won't post anything specific}


  1. Oh so sad :( I bet it was nice to get out and you got some great prices. I also LOVE the tag line on your banner :)

  2. Thoughts and prayers for the family. That's amazing how everyone pulled together!


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