Ten Years Ago...

Skip and I are currently kid-free and away in Washington DC for our tenth wedding anniversary.  TEN YEARS!! So much has happened in that time, and yet it feels like it flew by.


We were barely out of infancy when we got married at 22, well Skip was 23.  But I knew that I loved him with every fiber of my being.  And even though I didn't think I could love him more than I did that day, that love has only grown. I know now that it will continue to.


We got married before Pinterest and fancy cameras and wedding ideas online.  I got ready at my parents' house, with my little sister doing my hair for me.  An old friend and co-worker of my dad's, was our photographer for the day.  A friend of ours video-taped the ceremony and reception.

We had a small wedding, married in the church I'd grown up in, with a reception at the same place my parents had theirs.  We walked in behind the Police Pipe and Drum Band from our county as they played the Marine Corps hymn.

We listened to speeches about our love, and the honor of being in the presence of Skip, now a combat veteran.  We prayed for those still deployed, and thanked God Skip had come home safe to us.

We tossed the garter and bouquet, and the men in attendance sang 'You've Lost That Loving Feeling' to me.  And we danced.  Oh, there was so much dancing, which was all I ever wanted.  It wasn't just a wedding, but a big party with all our friends and family.  I could not have asked for a more perfect day.

Today, as every day, I celebrate my marriage and the love I have for my true soulmate Skip.  I love you 3x baby!



  1. You don't look like you've aged at all!!! Hope you two had a wonderful anniversary!


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